Sunday, February 18, 2007

Post #4

Hey! this website shows a lot of different pictures of everything, really. but the pictures that it has of Fiji and Taveuni island are incredible.Here's one of them-- I want to go there right now!!

Fiji also has these awesome luxury resorts with all inclusive vip treatment-- I just can't wait to honeymoon there; there are about ten million different activities! Here's a site with a few can't miss places, and a picture of a canoeing activity.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Post # 3: The Legend of The Tagimoucia Flower and more

Hi again. I told you'd I'd tell you the story of the flower. I found it on this website:
This story is about a little girl who lived in Taveuni, Fiji, (where the tagimoucia flower grows) she caught herself playing when she should have been working. Her mother asked her to work, and the little girl just ignored her and kept playing. Her mother got really upset and spanked her and told her to leave and never return. The little girl cried until her tears blinded her. She ran--right away into a tree wiuth vines and no flowers. She tried to free herself, but became more entangled in the tree--all she could do was cry. Her falling tears changed from salt water to blood and when they touched the vines, they became beautiful red flowers. When she stopped crying, she was able to get free from the vines, and when she returned home, her mom forgot about their fight and they lived happily ever after. The word "Tagamoucia" means cry in your sleep.
While researching this topic, I found that Fiji is known for several different legends. There is a legend of a snake god, the fire walkers, turtles, and even a shark god. Perhaps I can do more research on the legends of Fiji. They all sound pretty cool and interesting!

I found another website with an awesome photo gallery of different locations on the islands of Fiji. This site reveals that Fiji was once called "The Cannibal Isles", and that the island's population consists of East Indian, Micronesian, European, Chinese, Polynesian, and Melanesian inhabitants. Seventy percent of Fijans live on one of the 322 islands there--Viti Levu. Check it out:
Above is a website showing all of the things that tourists can do when they visit Fiji. They have snorkeling, beach volleyball canoes, glass bottom boat coral viewing, fishing. There are 500 acres worth of coral reefs to see. They're incredible! Here's a peek:

I found a site on the history of the Fiji islands. Here it reveals that Fiji first was inhabited by Melanesian people. Like most places, little is known about the history of the island before Europeans got there in the middle of the 17th century. Here you can read about how the islanders and the Europeans were friends in the beginning, the clash that later occurred between them, and what has transpired in Fiji since then.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Post # 2

Here's a website with some information on Oceania.
I found out that there are actually hundreds of islands there. Oceania is divided into four different sections of islands: Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Australasia. Some scientists divide Oceania into two sections, Near Oceania, and Remote Oceania. The main area that I have developed interest in so far, is in Melanesia-- The Republic of the Fiji Islands. It's actually an island nation of about 322 islands, but people only live on 110 of them. The other islands are called islets, with no inhabitants. Their combined population is less than a million people, and these islands are run by the military. The gross domestic products in Fiji are sugar, and a large tourist industry. I was surprised to find that main language spoken there is English. Other languages spoken there are Fijan, and Hindustani. Taveuni is the third largest island in Fiji, and there's flower that grows no where else in the world but there, called the tagimocia flower. After researching a bit on this flower, I learned that the proper spelling of the flower is tagimoucia. There's a legend associated with this flower, too--maybe later i'll share it with you. For now, l leave you with a picture of it. Isn't it pretty?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Post # 1

Hello, My name is Shivonne Washington. I'm attending Bergen Community College, and this blog is for my English class. My assignment is to select a city for a multimedia research paper. Over the years I have watched countless television segments on travel resorts and places where celebrities like to spend their down time. I haven't yet selected a city, but currently I am leaning towards somewhere in Oceania. I think that this part of the world is one of the most beautiful. I'm looking around though. The globe is filled with interesting locations to discover. I really want to find a place that is interesting, and hope to do well on this assignment.